Wednesday 29 April 2015

Angry Mom

Hi guys,

Angry Mom. This drama about a mother who goes to school for her children who suffer from school violence.


Oh Ah Ran (Kim Yoo Jung) is a high-schooler who sticks up for her bullied friend and becomes the victim of bullying in turn. Jo Kang Ja (Kim Hee Sun) is her mom, a former Busan badass who got pregnant in her teens and raised her daughter as a single mom. Jo Kang-ja was once legendary for being the toughest, most feared troublemaker at her Busan high school. Dropping out of school and to become a responsible mother to Oh Ah-ran.

Fast-forward to the present, and Kang-ja is now in her thirties and Ah-ran is a teenager. The two have a contentious relationship, with Ah-ran ashamed of her quick-tempered, foul-mouthed, sashimi knife-wielding mother for the latter's unrefined ajumma manner.
When Ah-ran befriends the class outcast, it makes her the target of the school bullies who make her life hell; yet she's too proud to tell her mother what's happening. 

When Kang-ja finds out that her daughter is getting bullied, she decides to take matters into her own hands. Unbeknownst to Ah-ran, she enrolls in her daughter's high school as an undercover student with the false name "Jo Bang-wool" to teach those bullies a lesson. But, she learns that there are bigger, darker problems within the educational system, and Kang-ja makes it her mission to put a stop to the school violence, with the help of Ah-ran and naive, idealistic homeroom teacher Park No-ah.


Monday 27 April 2015

9 Amalan Hebat Pada Hari Jumaat

1.  Memotong Kuku. Sebelum menunaikan fardu Jumaat, kita disunatkan mandi walaupun waktu solat telah hampir. Disunatkan juga mencukur kepala, memotong kuku, memendekkan misai, memakai wangi-wangian dan mengenakan pakaian yang sebaik-baiknya. Ibnu Masud berkata, “Sesiapa yang memotong kuku pada hari Jumaat, Allah akan menyembuhkannya daripada penyakit dan memberikannya keselamatan.”

2.  Membaca Surah Ali-Imran. Sabda Nabi s.a.w. yangb bermaksud: “Sesiapa yang membaca surah Ali Imran pada hari Jumaat, maka Allah dan malaikat mendo’akan kebaikan ke atasnya sehingga matahari terbenam pada hari itu.”

3.  Membaca Surah Al-Kahfi. Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w. yang diriwayatkan oleh Abi Said Al-Khudri yang bermaksud: “Sesiapa membaca surah Al-Kahfi pada hari Jumaat, Allah menerangi hidupnya antara dua Jumaat.”

4.  Mengucapkan Selawat Ke atas Nabi s.a.w. Berselawat sekali ke atas Nabi, Allah Taala memberi rahmat 10 kali ganda. Rasulullah s.a.w. pernah bersabda yang bermaksid: “Perbanyakkanlah membaca selawat padaku pada malam dan hari Jumaat, maka siapa yang membaca selawat untukku satu kali, Allah akan berselawat kepadanya 10 kali (Allah akan memberinya rahmat 10 kali)”.(HR.Al-Baihaqi) Allah Taala juga ada berfirman dalam Al-Quran yang bermaksud : “Sesungguhnya Allah Taala dan para malaikat telah berselawat ke atas Nabi. Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, ucapkanlah selawat dan salam yang sempurna ke atasnya (Nabi)”. (QS.Al-Ahzab:56)

5.  Membaca Yassin. Sesiapa membaca surah Yassin pada malam Jumaat, Allah mengampunkan dosa kecil yang dilakukan, demikian menurut hadis Rasulullah yang diriwayatkan oleh Abi Hurairah

6.  Mandi Sunat Jumaat. Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w. yang diriwayatkan oleh Abdullah Ibn Abi Khatadah, bermaksud: “Sesiapa yang mandi pada hari Jumaat seolah-olah dirinya bersih hingga Jumaat akan datang.” Dan sebuah hadith daripada Ibnu Umar bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda maksudnya: Jika seseorang antara kalian mendatangi solat Jumaat, maka hendaklah mandi dulu. (Muttafaq alaih)
Manakala sebuah lagi hadith yang menerangkan tentang mandi sunat hari Jumaat adalah sebuah hadith daripada Samurah, diriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w. pernah bersabda: Sesiapa yang berwuduk pada Jumaat, maka dengan keringanan itu, bolehlah dilakukan tanpa mandi tetapi mandi itu adalah lebih utama. (HR.Imam Abu Daud dan Tarmidzi).

7.  Solat Jumaat. Mereka yang mendirikan solat Jumaat antara satu Jumaat ke satu Jumaat berikutnya, maka Allah mengkifaratkan atau mengelakkan dia daripada terbabit dosa besar. Rasulullah bersabda yang bermaksud: “Sesiapa hadir solat Jumaat pada saat pertama, dia umpama berkorban seekor unta. Sesiapa hadir solat Jumaat pada saat kedua, dia seperti berkorban seekor lembu. Barang siapa yang menghadiri solat Jumaat pada saat yang ketiga, dia seperti berkorban seekor kibas. Sesiapa hadir solat Jumaat pada saat keempat, dia seperti memberi hadiah seekor ibu ayam, dan sesiapa hadir solat pada saat kelima, dia seolah-olah memberi hadiah sebiji telur. Apabila imam naik ke mimbar, malaikat menutup buku catatannya dan ikut mendengar khutbah. Justeru, sesiapa yang datang untuk solat selepas itu seolah-olah dia hanya datang untuk solat semata-mata, tidak direkodkan dalam buku kehadiran malaikat.”

8.  Berdoa Bersungguh-sungguh. Majoriti ulama’ berpendapat bahawa makbulnya do’a yang dibaca di antara dua khutbah, iaitu ketika imam sedang duduk antara khutbah pertama dan khutbah kedua. Ibnu Qayyim Al-Jauzi mengatakan: Di antara sekian banyak pendapat ada dua yang paling kuat, sebagaimana ditunjukkan dalam banyak hadis yang sahih, pertama saat duduknya khatib sampai selesainya solat. Kedua, sesudah Asar. Pada hari itu terdapat suatu masa di mana seorang hamba Mukmin apabila meminta (berdo’a) kepada Allah sesuatu kebaikan melainkan Allah memakbulkan do’anya atau ia meminta Allah melindunginya daripada sesuatu kejahatan melainkan Allah melindunginya daripada kejahatan. (HR.At-Tirmidzi).

Sebuah hadith daripada Abu Hurairah r.a. telah meriwayatkan: Rasulullah s.a.w telah bersabda: “Sesungguhnya Rasulullah s.a.w. sedang membicarakan tentang hari Jumaat, dan baginda bersabda: Padanya (hari Jumaat) terdapat suatu saat yang tidak ditemui oleh seorang hamba (Allah) yang muslim dengan dia mendirikan solat sambil memohon kepada Allah akan sesuatu, melainkan apa yang dipohonkannya itu diberikannya kepadanya. Dia mengisyaratkan dengan tangannya yang diangkatkan”. (HR.Al-Bukhari dan Muslim)

9.  Banyakkan Bersedekah. Sedekah pada hari itu lebih utama dibanding sedekah pada hari-hari lainnya. Ibnu Qayyim berkata: Sedekah pada hari itu lebih utama dengan sedekah pada enam hari lainnya seumpama di sedekah pada bulan Ramadhan dibanding bulan-bulan lainnya. Hadis dari KaĆ¢ab menjelaskan: Dan Sedekah pada hari itu lebih mulia dibanding hari-hari selainnya.

~Sudut perkongsian ilmu bersama~

Saturday 25 April 2015

Khasiat Barli

Barli merupakan makanan ruji bagi manusia dan haiwan lain. Ia lebih tahan tanah dengan kandungan garam yang tinggi berbanding gandum. Barli atau dikenali sebagai Hordeum vulgare, merupakan makanan manusia dan makanan ternakan yang penting dan tergolong dalam keluarga rumput Poaceae. Barli juga merupakan tanaman bijirin yang kelima terbesar ditanam di dunia (530,000 km² atau 132 milion ekar). Tempoh percambahannya antara 1-3 hari.

Di Malaysia, bijirin yang dikenali sebagai "barli" sebenarnya merujuk kepada satu tanaman lain yang panggil "air mata Nabi Ayub" dalam bahasa Inggeris "Job's Tears, coix lacryma-jobi". Tumbuhan ini sebenarnya berlainan genus dengan barli asli, namun ia seringkali dijual di pasaran dengan nama "barli" atau "barli mutiara Cina".

Khasiat barli dipercayai dapat menyejukkan badan, baik untuk melawaskan kencing dan meningkatkan kesihatan buah pinggang. Selain itu, barli juga dikesan boleh membantu merendahkan kolesterol, meredakan sembelit dan mencegah penyakit kanser. Bijirin barli kaya dengan khasiat pemakanan seperti fiber, vitamin dan mineral penting (Vitamin B3), thiamine (Vitamin B1), selenium, iron, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, copper dan niacin) serta sedikit lemak dan tidak mengandungi kolesterol seperti lain-lain bijirin.

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Kill Me, Heal Me

Hi guys,
Kill Me, Heal Me is a romantic comedy between a third-generation billionnaire with Dissociative Identity Disorder and a first-year Psychiatrist resident who treats him secretly. 

A traumatic childhood experience causes third-generation chaebol, Cha Do-hyun to have memory lapses, and his personality fractures into seven different identities. He tries to regain control over his life and is treated secretly by Oh Ri-jin, a first-year psychiatry resident, who eventually falls in love with one of his personalities.

But Ri Jin’s twin brother, Oh Ri Ohn, is a famous mystery novelist who investigates about Do Hyun and his family. Cha Do Hyun (Ji Sung) is the third generation of a chaebol family who suffers from multiple personality disorder after going through numerous life-threatening traumas.

As he tries to get back on his life on the track with the help of a resident doctor, Oh Ri Jin (Hwang Jung Eum). The “seven people” whom he created in his body began their battle to be the final dictator that will have control over his life. Meanwhile, Oh Ri On (Park Seo Joon) is Oh Ri Jin’s twin Brother who is a genius writer.

He is determined to find out the secrets and stories of this third generation Chaebol, starts following him around to uncover them but unexpectedly forms an empathy for him instead.

He has six other identities:
  • Shin Se-gi: a vehement guy with a devil-may-care demeanor who appears when Do-hyun experiences violence. He may be violent, but he never hurts children and women. Se-gi endures all of Do-hyun's pain as he is the only one who remember his memories. His first love is Oh Ri-jin.
  • Perry Park: a 40 year-old man with an aficionado for fishing and building bombs. He speaks with Jeolla dialect.
  • Ahn Yo-seob ("Yo-seob" is the Korean version of "Joseph"): a suicidal, intelligent 17 year old boy and artist. Yo-na's twin brother.

  • Ahn Yo-na ("Yo-na" is the Korean version of "Jonah"): an extrovert and mischievous 17 year old girl who has a love for idols. Yo-seob's twin sister. She appears when Cha Do-Hyun undergoes a great deal of pain or mental stress, and needs to endure it clandestinely. She has a crush on Oh Ri-on.
  • Nana: a 7 year-old girl who has a teddy bear named Nana.

  • Mr. X: a mysterious guy.

Sunday 19 April 2015

Flower Boy Ramyun Shop

Hi guys,

Flower Boy Ramen Shop is a South Korean romantic comedy series, This drama is about "pretty boys" who, with good looks and individuality, operate a ramyun shop with a lively college girl and experience the happenings of daily life.

Yang Eun-bi (Lee Chung Ah) is a university student in her mid-20s preparing for her civil service exam with the dream of being a high school teacher. She accidentally encounters Cha Chi-soo (Jung Il Woo), the arrogant heir to the biggest food conglomerate in South Korea.

Cha Chi-soo, newly home after a failed attempt to attend school in New York City, fascinates women with his good looks and easy charm. Eun-bi is attracted to him before she finds out that he is only a high school senior and thus several years(6 years) younger than her. However, her student-teaching assignment finds her not only working at the high school that Chi-soo's family owns, but teaching his homeroom class. She grows to dislike him for his arrogance and lack of empathy. He, on the other hand, becomes fascinated with her because she is outspoken and athletic, unlike the other women he knows.

Yet, he does not interpret the fascination as romantic interest, since he is out of her league and usually dates pretty, self-interested girls like Yoon So-yi, a ballet student also dating Chi-soo's rebellious classmate Kim Ba-wool. Eun-bi resists her attraction in turn, believing Chi-soo is only toying with her. Eun-bi wants a more serious relationship after being dumped by a cheating ex-boyfriend after waiting for him to complete his mandatory military service. She frequently turns to her dating-savvy roommate/ex-high school volleyball teammate Kang Dong-joo for advice.

After Eun-bi's father (Jung In Ki) passes away, she is surprised to find that he left the ramen restaurant he owned to Choi Kang-hyuk (Lee Ki Woo), whom he had helped when Kang-hyuk was a troubled youth, instead of to her.

It is soon revealed that Eun-bi's father did this with the hope that Kang-hyuk and Eun-bi would marry. Eun-bi, after losing her student-teaching assignment because of her conflicts with Chi-soo, starts to work at the ramen shop, along with homeless fellow students Kim Ba-wool (Park Min Woo) and Woo Hyun-woo (Cho Yoon Woo).

Chi-soo wants to work at the restaurant as well, in order to get over his growing obsession with Eun-bi. Kang-hyuk, who knows that he and Chi-soo actually have the same mother, allows him to join the shop out of concern for his cold half-brother.

Kang-hyuk quickly develops feelings for Eun-bi, but she finds herself more attracted to passionate Chi-soo. Chi-soo, after many misunderstandings, realizes that his obsession with Eun-bi is attraction and actively competes for Eun-bi's affections with Kang-hyuk. However, Chi-soo's father (Joo Hyun) disapproves. Chi-soo's (and Kang-hyuk's) mother had also been an average (not rich) woman, and Chi-soo's father believes that difference was one of the causes of their separating several years before. Chi-soo's father's company is planning to redevelop the area in which the ramen shop is located, and Chi-soo's father tries to use the possible destruction of the ramen shop as leverage to keep Eun-bi and Chi-soo apart.

Chi-soo has become attached to the ramen shop and is also afraid of being disowned, and so he initially chooses to stay with his father. Eun-bi realizes, however, that she wants to try seriously dating him, she storms his family's apartment to claim him from his father, and they leave together. The ramen shop is forced to close, but its workers accept this development without complaint. 

Chi-soo's father disinherits him and has his U.S. citizenship revoked, so that Chi-soo is now subject to the South Korean military draft. The show ends with Chi-soo visiting Eun-bi after he has completed his two-year service in the South Korean Army without contacting her, they kiss as the camera pans over the neighborhood where they first met.

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Khasiat Buah Durian Belanda

Pokok Durian Belanda merupakan pokok yang berasal dari hutan tropika Carribean Amerika Selatan yang kini telah ditanam di Asia Tenggara termasuk Malaysia dan Indonesia. Di Indonesia, ia dikenali sebagai Sirsak (dari Bahasa Belanda zuurzak). Khasiat buah durian belanda ini memberikan kesan anti tumor / kanser yang sangat kuat, dan terbukti secara perubatan menyembuhkan segala jenis kanser. Selain menyembuhkan kanser, buah ini juga berfungsi sebagai anti bakteria, anti fungus , berkesan melawan berbagai jenis parasit dan cacing, menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi, kemurungan, stress, dan menormalkan kembali sistem saraf yang kurang baik.

Antara Khasiat Buah Durian Belanda adalah:

1.  Menyerang sel kanser secara efektif dan      
     semulajadi, TANPA rasa mual, berat badan 
     turun, rambut gugur, seperti yang terjadi  
     pada terapi kemo.

2. Melindungi sistem kekebalan tubuh dan    
    mencegah dari jangkitan yang mematikan.

3. Pesakit merasakan lebih kuat, lebih sihat   
    selama proses perawatan / penyembuhan.

4. Menambah tenaga dan penampilan fizikal 
    semakin bertambah baik.

5. Sumber berita sangat mengejutkan ini berasal dari salah satu pengeluar farmasi terbesar di 
    Amerika. Buah durian belanda telah diuji lebih dari 20 makmal, sejak tahun 1970-an hingga 
    beberapa tahun berikutnya. Hasil ujikaji dari ekstrak (sari) buah ini adalah :

Ć¼  Secara berkesan memilih sasaran dan membunuh sel jahat dari 12 jenis kanser yang berbeza, diantaranya kanser : Usus Besar, Payu Dara, Prostat, Paru-Paru dan Pankreas.
Ć¼  Daya kerjanya 10,000 kali lebih kuat dalam memperlambatkan pertumbuhan sel kanser dibandingkan dengan Adriamycin dan Terapi Kemo yang biasa digunakan !

Ć¼  Tidak seperti terapi kemo, ekstrak buah ini secara selektif hanya memburu dan membunuh sel-sel jahat dan TIDAK membahayakan atau membunuh sel-sel yang sihat.

Saturday 11 April 2015

49 Days

Hi guys,

Honestly i really hate this storyline. Because almost half of each episode will really make me want to cry. 49 Days... Yay, i will always remember that title. Good job guys!

49 Days is a korean drama series. This drama tells the story of  gullible yet cheerful Shin Ji-hyun (Nam Gyu Ri) is living a perfect life. She is the only daughter of wealthy family, doting parents and is surrounded by supportive best friends.She is also engaged to be married to the perfect man, Kang Min-ho (Bae Soo Bin), in just a few weeks.

Meanwhile, Song Yi-kyung (Lee Yo Won) is in an existential crisis following her boyfriend's tragic death. She works third shift at a convenience store, sleeps in the afternoon, and often spends what little time she has left in the day contemplating suicide.

On a fateful day, Lee-Kyung gets off a bus and wanders around. She then stands in front of a busy street and attempts to kill herself by walking into oncoming traffic. At that time, somebody saves her life by pulling her back. At this moment, Ji-Hyun, who is driving nearby, hits her breaks, but can't avoid the semi-trailer truck that has stopped in the middle of the road.

When she regains consciousness after the accident, she shockingly finds that she could neither make physical contact with the people crowding around her car nor could any of them hear her protests. She also sees her own body being carted into an ambulance.

A motorcyclist nearby seems to be the only person who can see her. After Ji-hyun leaves him to follow the paramedics attempting to revive her body in the ambulance, she meets the cyclist again at the hospital. The cyclist reveals to her that he is indeed the "Scheduler," an angelic being charged with guiding souls to their final destinations.

He explains that since it was not yet her time to die, she is given the chance to recover from her comatose state and live again. The offer is contingent, however, on the completion of a mission: Ji-hyun must gather three teardrops shed out of pure love by three people not related to her by blood within the next 49 days.

Elated by the seemingly easy task, Ji-hyun immediately thinks of her fiance and two best friends and is certain she will live again. She then finds herself in the body of the suicidal Yi-kyung for which she will remain for the duration of her quest.

Ji-hyun proceeds by seeking employment as a waitress at a restaurant owned by her high school friend, Han Kang (Jo Hyun Jae).

While in the process of obtaining her proof of employment at a hotel where the real Yi-kyung worked, Ji-hyun's memory begins to return to her.

 Before the accident, Ji-hyun had agreed to meet up with her best friend Shin In-jung (Seo Ji Hye) to show her the bridesmaid dress Ji-hyun had chosen for her. When she arrived, Ji-Hyun saw her best friend and her fiance sitting together in a car. They looked so intimate sitting together. She was then driving to confront them when the accident occurred. Ji-hyun's excitement is muted when she makes an earth-shattering discovery that opens her eyes to the deception around her.

She soon realizes with painful clarity that her life was not so perfect after all and that it won't be as easy to find people who truly love her.

Luv this drama..

Tuesday 7 April 2015


Hi guys.
As usually fallen in love with korean drama again... hihihi..  >_<

But this time the title is Mimi. The affectionate love story of a man and a woman’s exchanged fate beyond space and time.

Min Woo (Shim Chang Min) is a 28 years old  introverted writer of webcomics (or "webtoon") who has partial memory loss. One day, he finds a memo on his desk calendar. With the memo, he begins to write a new webcomic “December 8”. The comic turns into an instant hit. But as the webtoon gets even more popular, Min-woo feels pressure from work and begins to suffer from severe headaches. He strives to recover his lost memories from the time he was an 18-year-old high school student, especially those of his first love, Mimi, as he unravels their mysterious fate.

Sunday 5 April 2015

Tentang Migrain

Apa itu migrain?

Migrain sebenarnya mempunyai beberapa tanda atau simptom selain anda berasa sakit kepala. Migrain berlaku apabila seseorang itu mengalami sakit kepala yang berulang-ulang. Tahap kesakitannya berbeza begitu juga kekerapan mengalaminya serta jangka masa serangan itu berlaku. Migrain sebenarnya berasal daripada perkataan Perancis yang bermaksud sakit sebelah kepala. Kebiasaannya serangan sakit kepala sebelah boleh menyebabkan kedua-dua belah kepala menjadi sakit jika ianya berlarutan.

Bagaimana migrain terjadi?

Migrain berlaku apabila darah tidak sampai ke otak akibat tersekat dan menyebabkan sakit kepala yang teramat sangat. Selain pening akibat sakit kepala.. migrain juga memberi rasa tidak selesa kepada perut dan loya sehingga menyebabkan pesakit muntah.

Antara sebab-sebab  boleh berlakunya migrain

1.       Kesan daripada alahan seseorang
2.       Silau akibat lampu yang terang
3.       Bunyi yang terlalu kuat
4.       Bau wangi yang terlampau kuat
5.       Tekanan fizikal atau emosi
6.       Waktu tidur yang tidak teratur
7.       Merokok atau terdedah kepada asap rokok
8.       Stress
9.       Menahan lapar
10.     Makanan seperti coklat, keju, kopi, limau, tomato dan jeruk atau makanan yang             diperap. 

Antara tanda-tanda terkena migrain

1.       Rasa ngeri ditusuk dengan jarum pada sebelah kepala dan merebak ke bahagian            hidung dan sekitar mata .
2.       Kesakitan teramat sangat dan berdenyut2.
3.       Pandangan silau, kabur dan kadangkala menjadi gelap.
4.       Tekak berasa loya, muntah dan kadangkala tangan dan kaki menjadi sejuk.
5.       Pesakit akan menjadi sensitif pada sebarang bunyi dan suara .
6.       Serangan selalunya berakhir dalam tempoh 4-72 jam.
7.       Sesetengah pesakit akan mengalami pengumpulan cecair dalam badan seperti                bengkak-bengkak dan membesar di bahagian tertentu anggota badan.

Antara kaedah bagi mengelakkan berlakunya migrain

1.       Memakan makanan yang mengandungi thyramine seperti keju
2.       Makanan yang mengandungi monosodium glutamate (MSG)
3.       Elak bau yang busuk, bunyi bising dan asap rokok
4.       Minuman yang mengandungi kafein berlebihan
5.       Stress dan tekanan
6.       Jadual tidur yang tak tetap
7.       Menundakan waktu makan dan biar perut kosong terlalu lama.

Kebiasaanya pesakit migrain akan diberi ubat tahan sakit, ubat tahan muntah dan sebagainya bagi mengawal kesakitan mereka. Bagi pesakit migrain yang teruk, mereka diberi dos dadah yang agak tinggi agar dapat melalikan sistem badan mereka daripada kesakitan yang ditanggung.

Pengambilan ubat-ubatan boleh mendatangkan risiko terhadap kesan jangka panjang kepada kesihatan. Oleh yang demikian memilih alternatif dengan pengambilan suplemen semulajadi adalah langkah terbaik bagi mengatasi masalah  sakit migrain.

Apa kata ubah gaya hidup kita. Amalkan gaya hidup sihat. Hindarkan diri kita daripada unsur-unsur yang boleh mendatangkan migrain.

Friday 3 April 2015

Hello Ghost !!

Hi guys.

As usually fallen in love with korean movie again...  >_<

Hello Ghost. About a man's multiple failed suicide attempts. After the most recent one, he discovers he can see a family of ghosts. The ghosts agree to leave him alone under the condition that he fulfill their requests.

At the beginning of the story;

Sang-man (Cha Tae-hyun) attempts to commit 
suicide by overdosing on pills, but fails. He then attempts to kill himself by jumping off a bridge and into a river, but is saved. Brought to the hospital, Sang-man awakens and sees a man smoking next to him. He tells the other hospital patrons, but no one believes him. During his stay in the hospital he eventually meets four ghosts. Meanwhile, Sang-man meets nurse Jung Yun-soo (Kang Ye-won) at the hospital and quickly falls in love.

Sang-man is released from the hospital and the ghosts follow him back to his apartment. He attempts to politely ask the ghosts why they are there, but he doesn't get an answer. He decides to visit a shaman to get some help and to learn how to get rid of the ghosts. He is told that the ghosts are using his body to enter the world of the living so the ghosts can experience their unfulfilled desires. Sang-man tries to get rid of them, but ghosts haunt him everywhere he goes. Sang-man then attempts to help the ghosts fulfill their unrealized dreams to get them to leave him alone once and for all.

One ghost, a fat smoker, wants to get his taxi back and drive it. He also uses Sang-man's body to swim at the beach. Another ghost, an old man, wants to return a camera to his friend. This leads to Sang-man being arrested, because the camera is in the hands of a police officer. Another ghost, a child, wants to watch a cartoon movie. The last ghost is a crying woman who wants to cook and to eat together with people she cares about. All these events also lead to Sang-man getting to know Yun-soo better.

Yun-soo father's dies, and Sang-man is the last person he speaks with. Yun-soo is uncomfortable with this, and pushes Sang-man away until she realizes that Sang-man is telling the truth when she sees her father's last gift for her.

Sang-man tells the ghosts to go away and blames them for Yun-soo's rejection. When he wakes up, the ghosts are gone. He goes to the hospital and asks Yun-soo out for lunch, and she accepts. She tells him that some people may lose their memories from extreme shock. As soon as Yun-soo asks about the parsley in the kimbap, Sang-man remembers that his mother used to put parsley in kimbap instead of spinach.

Sang-man runs to his apartment, and on his way he remembers what has happened to him. His father was the smoker, his mother the lady, his grandfather the old man, and his older brother the kid. On a family trip, his father forgot to put gas in the car. The car stopped in the road, and was hit by a truck and pushed off a cliff. Sang-man is the only survivor of the accident, after which he lost his memory and grew up in an orphanage. Sang-man calls to them in his apartment. One by one they appear and explain that their wishes each had something to do with the promises they left for Sang-man, and helped him remember them. His mother apologizes for leaving him alone and says that they wanted Sang-man to live, and they will always be with him. 

At the end, it shows that it was his family that stopped Sang-man from committing suicide.

As reminder:
Don't forget to provide a box of tissues while watching this.. 
I really mean it !   >_<