Sunday 3 August 2014

2014: Happy Friendship Day!!

>>>Dear My Friend,
Don't walk behind me, i may not lead,
Don't walk in front of me, i may not follow,
Just walk beside me and be my friend.

>>>There are many moments in friendship, as in love when silence is beyond words. The faults of our friend may be clear to us, but it is well to seem to shut our eyes to them. Friendship is usually treated by the majority of mankind as a tough and everlasting thing which will survive all manner of bad treatment. But this as an exceedingly great and foolish error, it may die in an hour of a single unwise word, its conditions of existence are that it should be dealt with delicately and tenderly, being as it is a sensitive plant not a roadside thistle. We must not expect our friend to be above humanity.

>>>If you have friends, don't be afraid to express your friendship, don't be afraid to tell them that you admire or love them. If you love anybody, why not say so? If you enjoy anyone's company, why not say so? It costs you nothing, it may mean everything to your friend and to you friendship. Friendship is no-sided affair, but an exchange of soul qualities. There can be no friendship without reciprocity. One cannot receive all and give nothing, or give all and receive nothing, and expect to experience the joy and fullness of true companionship.

- Get positive friends, not negative friends - 

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